Coil Design Blog Assignment - Due Feb. 23rd 8:00am

Slab Construction - Due March 30th
Search for examples of slab construction. Collect 10 images for your sketchbook and post ONE of your favorites on this blog. Tell what it is you like about your selection.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

African Zulu Ceramic Pot Motif from

This is a ceramic zulu beer pot from South Africa. It has a Repeat Motif and it is a modern pot made in the 20th century. The repeating designs on this pot was probably carved out using tools, and then glazed in a different color from the non-carved part of the pot so it would be easier to see. -Trevor Carlyle

1 comment:

  1. This is a simple and beautiful design. You might like the pots exhibited in the Smithsonian exhibit - the link is listed under resources. ci
