Coil Design Blog Assignment - Due Feb. 23rd 8:00am

Slab Construction - Due March 30th
Search for examples of slab construction. Collect 10 images for your sketchbook and post ONE of your favorites on this blog. Tell what it is you like about your selection.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Repeat Motif

Judging from the white color of the clay and the light gloss, I think that this piece is made of porcelain. There is a repeat motif made from blue slip around the top of the bowl.

1 comment:

  1. In many China pieces made in Europe they use something called "decals" that are used like the decals on a window, they are designs made elsewhere and they "stuck" on to the surface of the pot. The are fired last at a much lower temperature. This is why some of these kinds of designs wear off first. You will notice this on some of the oder pieces of china in homes.
