Coil Design Blog Assignment - Due Feb. 23rd 8:00am

Slab Construction - Due March 30th
Search for examples of slab construction. Collect 10 images for your sketchbook and post ONE of your favorites on this blog. Tell what it is you like about your selection.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Repeat Motif

This is a bowl from 13th century Iran. It was made from fritware, a type of clay made used Near East. Fritware is made by adding frit to regular clay in order to lower to firing temperature. I think that the repeat motif in this pot is the horsemen. It appears that there are large headed men riding horses in a circular pattern in two rings. It also has a design on the outer ring which is a repeat motif, a leaf-like design that is made probably with glazing. I think that the horsemen were also slip painted on, because it's a very precise design.

-Maxen Chung

1 comment:

  1. The intricate details on this one are amazing. I can imagine that there is a story behind these figures. Perhaps it is painted on with slips, because it is so precise. If you were creating a repeat figure, what would you choose?
