Coil Design Blog Assignment - Due Feb. 23rd 8:00am

Slab Construction - Due March 30th
Search for examples of slab construction. Collect 10 images for your sketchbook and post ONE of your favorites on this blog. Tell what it is you like about your selection.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Coil pot

This is a large storage jar from the Shigaraki valley, southeast of Kyoto. The rust-orang surface is covered with a natural olive-green ash glaze. High iron contents in the clay gives the body its reddish color.

-Brayden Matsuzaki

1 comment:

  1. /Users/student/Desktop/Screen shot 2011-02-07 at 6.11.27 PM.png

    This is an Iranian jar that is decorated with a mountain goat. THe time period was Chalcolithic, Sialk III 7 and the date was 4th millennium B.C. This was made using ceramic and paint it is 53 cm

    -Robert Kaya
