Coil Design Blog Assignment - Due Feb. 23rd 8:00am

Slab Construction - Due March 30th
Search for examples of slab construction. Collect 10 images for your sketchbook and post ONE of your favorites on this blog. Tell what it is you like about your selection.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Coil Pot

This pot inspires me because it is very unique and, when you think about it, very difficult to construct. I like how the design is not just coils that are parallel to the other coils and also how there are two sections of the design. This pot is from


1 comment:

  1. Hello my name is Jan, I found what seems to be an old jug with press on handle fire marks on the bottom.looking in the spout i can see lines that lead me to think it is a coil pot. Who can I take this to or email picture to to id this.
    thank you for any help you can provide.
